Excel test in interview: how to prepare + tips to pass

Do you have an Excel assessment test planned for a job application? Discover 15 tips to prepare and pass the test. Learn how to answer Excel most common questions during interviews.
How to split semicolon separated values in Excel

Split semicolon separated values in Excel into columns and rows, or convert columns to semicolon separated values, like an Excel Master!
How to save and reuse custom theme in Excel

Save and reuse custom theme in Excel with ease by following our quick tutorial.
How to remove gridlines in Excel

Make gridlines invisible or change the gridlines colour in your Excel workbook after reading our quick tutorial. Plenty of examples to learn from!
How to add a password to Excel sheets

Add passwords to Excel workbooks and control who can open and edit your data. Learn how to create a password on Excel and how to unprotect Excel sheets.
How to run spell check in Excel (AutoCorrect)

Learn how to run spell check and how to turn on/off AutoCorrect quickly with Ted Jordan.
How to share an Excel workbook for editing

Share Excel workbooks via mail or links, save them as PDF and work together with your colleagues on the same file. You will be able to do it all after reading our tutorial!
How to combine sales and forecast data in Excel chart

Showcase actual vs targets in an Excel chart by following these quick and easy steps! Combine data to highlight your success.
Scroll to top button in Excel: how to add one?

Add a scroll to top button in Excel to impress your customers and use shortcuts to go back to the first cell of your worksheet. Learn Excel tips and trick with Ted Jordan!
How to define names in Excel (tables)

Discover shortcuts to create Excel tables and rename them; learn how to define selections and name them. Use structured references in Excel formulas to save time!