Excel test in interview: how to prepare + tips to pass
Do you have an Excel assessment test planned for a job application? Discover 15 tips to prepare and pass the test. Learn how to answer Excel most common questions during interviews.
Date functions and formulas in Excel
7 Excel date formulas explained for beginner to intermediate levels: TODAY, NOW, ISOWEEKNUM, SUMIFS, etc. Get ready to learn with the help of Ted Jordan.
How to split semicolon separated values in Excel
Split semicolon separated values in Excel into columns and rows, or convert columns to semicolon separated values, like an Excel Master!
How to save and reuse custom theme in Excel
Save and reuse custom theme in Excel with ease by following our quick tutorial.
How to remove gridlines in Excel
Make gridlines invisible or change the gridlines colour in your Excel workbook after reading our quick tutorial. Plenty of examples to learn from!
What is the IFS function? (Excel)
Learn how to use IFS in Excel instead of using IF with multiple conditions and OR. Learn at your own pace!
How to write the Excel AND function (with examples)
Learn with ease how to write AND function in Excel by watching our short video and our various examples. Use AND with multiple cells or/and conditions and with text like a pro!
Filter data with a formula: Excel FILTER
Learn how to filter data with a formula in Microsoft Excel and how to use FILTER with condition. Become more efficient with our Excel tips and tricks.
COUNTIFS with multiple criteria: how to use it
Use COUNTIFS with multiple criteria like a pro and expand your Excel knowledge with Ted Jordan. Learn some tips and tricks to save time and to avoid errors.
TRUE and FALSE in Excel (with examples)
Learn how to use TRUE and FALSE functions in Excel and how to count how many times they appear in your spreadsheet. Become a Spreadsheet Master with Ted Jordan!