Mobile Interscroller ads are the new Interstitials

Mobile interscroller ads: responsive, attention-grabbing, non-disruptive… Discover why advertisers and publishers love this dynamic native ad format.

Say goodbye to intrusive mobile interstitials and hello to dynamic, engaging and non-disruptive ads: mobile interscrollers ads.

Advertisers are always looking for ways to display their ads without annoying users; annoyed users don’t convert. Mobile interscroller ads are perfect for brands because they grab users’ attention without disrupting their reading.

Today, discover mobile interscroller ads through examples and learn why they are better than interstitials.

Mobile interscroller ad example.

What is a mobile interscroller ad?

A mobile interscroller ad is a native scrollable ad format that displays an ad in a natural way: users just need to scroll between content to reveal the ad on their mobile phone. It’s an engaging format that is dynamic and tailored for mobile users. It ensures maximum visibility because ads perfectly fit mobile screen dimensions: interscroller ads cover the entire screen when 85% is in view.

Because of its native nature, mobile interscroller advertising only displays ads that are relevant to the audience and to the context they are placed in. Users welcome this type of ad format with ease compared to pop-up ads.

Interscroller ads can display static or interactive content. Displaying video content is also allowed with this format.

Publishers also love the interscroller format because they can rank their websites higher on Google when using it. Indeed, Google penalises websites that use intrusive advertisement such as mobile interstitial ads.

Interscroller ad examples

To understand how mobile interscroller ads are displayed, check the interscroller examples below:

Mobile interscroller ad example – The Guardian
Static interscroller ad example – Yahoo

Mobile interscroller ad specs

Mobile interscroller ads are responsive, which means the size of the ads change automatically to fit the mobile screen dimensions. But there are some useful ad specs to know about:

  • Frequent interscroller dimensions: 300×500, 320×600, 320×480, 640×960
  • File formats: GIF, PNG, JPG, responsive 3rd party tags, MP4, HTML5
  • Video length: 15 seconds on auto-play

Interscroller vs Interstitial

The main difference between the interscroller format and interstitial ads is that the former is non-disruptive to users.

As a reminder, interstitial ads are full-screen ads displayed to users before they can reach a website page or the interface of an app. These ads are really annoying and don’t provide a good user experience, in general. Also, when users want to skip an interstitial ad, they must click a tiny close button that is not always easy to find. With mobile interscroller ads, users just need to scroll down to skip them.

Another advantage of using mobile interscrollers instead of interstitial ads: users can skip the former anytime while they often have to wait 5-15 seconds to be able to do it for the latter.

Benefits of interscroller ads

If you’re not fully convinced by mobile interscroller ads yet, you’ll change your mind after reading more benefits about this native mobile ad format.

  • Interscroller ads receive the most attention on mobile with an average of 3.3 seconds, compared to other formats (OMG, Yahoo & Amplified Intelligence, Aug 2022).
  • Mobile interscrollers have a natural look and are versatile: you can display static, interactive or video content, covering the entirety of users’ mobile screen.
  • Interscroller advertising generates high user engagement (high CTR) and is perfect for performance campaigns.
  • Full-screen ads like interscroller ones have an eyes-on-view time that is 2.4-3x more important than other standard display ads on mobile devices (source: MOBKOI).
  • Mobile interscroller ads are native: they are placed between content that is related to the advertised service or product. Users’ perception of the advertised brands, with this ad format, is positive.
  • Conversion rates are great with mobile interscrollers: users can’t ignore the ads and can easily click on them if interested in a product. Setting up frequency capping helps advertisers achieve good CPA. Note that some publishers accept to invoice on a CPC base.

Now, you know what mobile interscroller ads are and why you should use them if you want to advertise on mobile devices.

Are you interested in discovering more mobile ad formats?

If you need help setting up your digital campaigns, contact our programmatic expert: Ted Jordan.

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