Mobile Leaderboard (320×50)

What are the leaderboard 320x50 specs? Where are these banners displayed on smartphones? Find answers to your questions about mobile leaderboard ads and discover some 320x50 examples!

Mobile leaderboard 320×50 is a standard mobile banner size used by the majority of advertisers. This standard IAB ad format is also known as “smartphone banner” or “mobile banner”.

Displayed above the fold or at the bottom of the screen on websites and apps, mobile leaderboard ads perform really well in terms of viewability. And the fact they can expand on some websites is appreciated by both advertisers and mobile users.

The leaderboard 320×50 format represents 12% of global market share impressions, behind desktop leaderboard (728×90) and MPU (300×250) ad formats. Despite not generating the highest revenue for advertisers, this ad size has the advantage to be sold at a low price and supports all types of rich media.

Mobile leaderboard 320x50 example by Ted Jordan.

Mobile leaderboards 320×50 are often sold as sticky units, so they are great for branding and performance campaigns. These types of campaigns often require high viewability. Advertisers also love this format because of its versatility. If you use gaming apps, you probably already encountered leaderboards 320×50 because running ads on apps is a great way to reach a broader audience.

Leaderboard 320×50 specs

  • Mobile dimensions: 320×50 which means 320 pixels wide by 50 pixels tall
  • Maximum weight: 150KB but file can be bigger when delivering through ad servers
  • Common formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, HTML5, MP4, accepted 3rd party tag
  • URLs: click URL or tracking URL is mandatory; impression tracking URL is generally optional

Mobile leaderboard 320×50 examples

Expandable leaderboard ad example – Yahoo


When to use mobile leaderboards ads in Programmatic?

320×50 ads can be used by advertisers for performance and branding campaigns because they show great viewability rates and offer good experience to users. They can be sticky (anchor ads): they are displayed at the top or at the bottom of a page and stay in view when users scroll down.

Can mobile banners expand?

Mobile leaderboard banners can expand to a 320×568 ad format on some websites. Usually these websites have to be responsive to offer this feature.

Click here to see an example of expandable mobile leaderboard.

What are the best practices for leaderboard 320×50?

First, don’t try to add too much text on your mobile leaderboard because this standard ad format is just tall enough to fit one or two lines of text.

Then, make sure to use highly contrasted colours so users can read your text elements (like your CTA) easily. If your 320×50 ad is dynamic, make sure to upload a backup static image: if for some reason your dynamic ad can’t load, users will be able to see the static version instead of a blank ad. This may happen when users are using a weak broadband signal.

Also, double-check that your tracking URLs are working fine before and after launching your digital marketing campaign.

Next steps

Now, you know what the mobile leaderboard 320×50 specs are and you saw some leaderboard ad examples on mobile devices. Make sure you master the basics of Programmatic Advertising before launching your digital campaign with this standard mobile banner size: join our Programmatic Online Course now!

Ted Jordan, Programmatic and Data expert, created this comprehensive course for beginner to intermediate levels: self-paced course, lifetime access, certification and much more.